Wednesday, March 28, 2017
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
(Room 1230, Undergraduate Science Building, 204 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor MI 48109)
Topic: Contract Tips
Speaker: Steven E. Makulski, Esq. (Anderson & Makulski, PC)
Overview: Steven will share his experience and “tips” with us on certain contractual provisions that should be included in your contracts to make them enforceable and to protect you from certain liabilities. Sample provisions discussed and provided will include those relating to payment for services, renewals, term and termination, indemnification, and governing law and venue.
Talk Level: Intermediate
Call for Topics & Speakers:
If you have a topic, you would like us to cover, please let us know. Also, we are always looking for new speakers to talk about WordPress related topics, if you or you know someone who would like to speak, please get in touch.
Location: Room 1230, Undergraduate Science Building, 204 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor MI 48109
Room 1230 is on the 1st floor of the Undergraduate Science Building. The doors will remain unlocked until 7 pm, but we’ll post signs on the doors directing you where to go and including a contact cell phone number.
Location Tip! The Undergraduate Science Building is on the corner of Washington and Palmer. From the street, take the steps up one level. At the top of the steps, you will see the door entrance. Parking is available on Palmer Drive.
Parking is available on Palmer Drive. Also, University Blue-lot parking should be free from 6 pm on; carefully check the posted signs. A parking map is available; the Undergraduate Science Building is at M-2 on the map.